Monday, June 16, 2008

How are you?

I have not updated this blog for several days now. Yes, you guessed it right. I've been super busy.

I miss the days when I get to blog hop, accomplish a tag and share some stories. Anyway, nothing much changed. There are just a few addition to our list of wedding suppliers. We booked some of them at the Wedding Summit.

As regards work, it's the same hectic and stressful life that I chose to get into. Whew! Just this morning, I was tasked to handle a declaration of nullity case. I initially refused because I'm now preparing for my wedding. They just seem to be two overly conflicting activities for me. Oh well..


Marilou / Lucky Cow Shop said...

u have to update us on your wedding... i mean pictures hehehe

happy said...

hi berry! miss hopping into your blogs. anyway, the posting of the pictures will depend on how i'll look on them. :)