Friday, March 14, 2008

Blog About the Things You Love--A PayPerPost Review


Any blogger would say that blogging about the things that he loves would definitely give him a sense of happiness and fulfillment. PayPerPost ("PPP"), however, didnt't leave it at that. It made blogging about the things that you love even better.

PPP helps the bloggers, also known as the "posties", get paid for blogging the things that they love. How? PPP provides a channel called the marketplace, where the bloggers and the advertisers could "meet". In the marketplace, the advertisers post several opportunities to write about certain products, websites and services, among others. From the list of the available opportunites, a blogger would then choose the products or services that he would love to write about. That's it. The blogger would post his review (at least 200 words) of the product that he has chosen and once approved, he would already be $5 to hundred dollars richer. Isn't that easy and fun, as well?

Having read about the posties who are so happy about earning through blogging, I signed up for PPP. I admit that I really got ecstatic over the approval of my blog. The best part is, once this very first review gets approved, I will receive $20 rom PPP. You could also receive that $20 for your first review.

I honestly encourage you to sign up. Why? It is free, easy and fast. Once your blog is approved, you'll get to receive $20 upon the approval of your first post and you'll get paid through PayPal. For your subsequent posts, a minimum of $5 would be given.
In addition, there's also PPP Direct. PPP Direct allows a blogger to reach out to the advertisers by advertising their blogs. The best part is, the blogger could negotiate the value that will be given for a particular review that will be written through PPP Direct.

I couldn't wait for the extra income that I could use to buy some online stuff that I could use in personalizing my forthcoming wedding, and even to donate to some charities. I know that with the guaranteed earnings that PPP gives to its members, I could do all that. :)

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